New London Infrared Sauna - Discover the Benefits


Envision the warmth of the sun’s rays enveloping you on a cold winter day, not just for comfort but also for a multitude of health benefits. In New London, Infrared Sauna captures this essence, emerging as a popular wellness trend that harnesses the power of light energy to provide a revitalizing experience. From pain relief to detoxification, the diverse benefits of Infrared Sauna promise a positive impact on overall well-being.

This blog post delves into the scientific underpinnings of infrared saunas, exploring the various types of infrared wavelengths and outlining the prominent health benefits associated with their utilization. Offering practical guidance, we’ll discuss how to prepare for an infrared sauna session, emphasize safety precautions, and address potential risks linked to this therapeutic practice. Real-life success stories will be shared, and common queries answered to empower you with the knowledge required to make an informed decision about incorporating Infrared Saunas into your wellness routine.

We are waiting for you at 640 Health in Westbrook, CT so you can enjoy this modern treatment with the latest technology available with our  Sunlighten™ full spectrum infrared sauna.

Book Your Infrared Sauna Session Today

Key Takeaways

  • Experience the holistic benefits of Infrared Saunas, such as pain relief, detoxification, and enhanced sleep. 
  • Before your session, prioritize hydration and opt for loose clothing or towels. 
  • For individuals with pre-existing conditions, consulting a healthcare provider beforehand is imperative to ensure a secure and tailored experience.

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New London Infrared Sauna

The Science Behind Infrared Saunas


In New London, infrared saunas reveal the contemporary charm. They offer a modern interpretation by employing light energy to directly heat the body, departing from the conventional method of warming the air. This innovative approach induces intense sweating at lower temperatures, typically between 100°-150°F, thanks to the use of infrared wavelengths that penetrate the body for a deeper and more therapeutic experience compared to regular saunas. 

You’ll encounter three types of infrared wavelengths used in infrared saunas In New London, CT: far infrared, mid-infrared, and near-infrared, each offering distinct advantages and health benefits. Setting themselves apart from other light-based therapies like laser therapy, these infrared wavelengths are essential in maximizing the benefits of your sauna session.


Far Infrared


With a wavelength between 15 μm and 1 mm, far infrared stands out as electromagnetic radiation that penetrates the body deeply, contributing to detoxification and relief from discomfort. Utilizing far infrared saunas goes beyond, as they stimulate metabolism and aid in the efficient burning of fat.




Mid-infrared, covering the 2.5 to 25 micrometer (µm) spectrum, stands out for its specific focus on the body’s soft tissues. This targeted characteristic plays a crucial role in augmenting circulation and mitigating inflammation. The unique benefits of mid-infrared make it especially advantageous for enhancing overall health, as it actively contributes to improved circulation, reduced inflammation, and the maintenance of general well-being.


Near Infrared

Westbrook Infrared Sauna - Near Infrared Sauna

Ranging between 700 and 1400 nanometers, near-infrared radiation offers distinct advantages compared to other counterparts. Acknowledged for its role in sustaining cell health, encouraging skin rejuvenation, and expediting wound healing, near-infrared finds diverse applications in the field of health and wellness, particularly in near-infrared light treatment. 

Additionally, scientific studies emphasize its potential to reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and fortify the immune system. The comprehensive impact of these attributes positions near-infrared as a crucial element in an infrared sauna session, providing an exclusive set of benefits that positively impact overall health and well-being.


New London Infrared Sauna – Top Health Benefits

With a clearer grasp of the science of infrared saunas and the diversity of infrared wavelengths, let’s delve into their top health benefits. In New London, Infrared saunas have been known to provide the following benefits:

  • Relief from pain
  • Facilitates detoxification
  • Improves sleep
  • Promotes healthier skin

The distinct advantages mentioned can be ascribed to the distinctive features of infrared wavelengths. These wavelengths penetrate the body, providing targeted therapeutic effects akin to those offered by low-level laser therapy, low-power laser therapy, and red light therapy. Effectively harnessing these benefits, a red light therapy device prompts many to ponder the effectiveness of red light therapy.

In the subsequent sections, we will expound on each of these health benefits, investigating the processes by which infrared saunas can:

  • Reduce pain
  • Detoxify the body
  • Improve sleep
  • Boost skin health
  • Improve hair growth

By understanding how infrared saunas work, you’ll be better equipped to make informed decisions about incorporating them into your wellness routine.


Pain Relief

In New London, infrared saunas offer an innovative approach to unlocking the potential for pain relief, showcasing their effectiveness in promoting wellness. A game-changer for those dealing with muscle soreness, joint pain, or chronic conditions like arthritis, these saunas operate by enhancing blood circulation. This, in turn, expedites the recovery process post-physical activity and brings relief to specific areas of discomfort. Scientific studies validate the efficacy of infrared sauna therapy in alleviating arthritic and back pain and contributing to the management of chronic fatigue syndrome. 

While generally safe, users are advised to be mindful of potential risks, including dehydration and blood pressure fluctuations associated with infrared sauna use. Individuals with pre-existing health conditions or concerns about the appropriateness of infrared saunas for pain relief are encouraged to consult with healthcare providers for personalized recommendations.



Eliminating toxins from the body is crucial for overall health. Infrared saunas in New London, CT play a key role in detoxification by promoting perspiration, enabling the body to expel harmful substances. The heat from these saunas also opens up pores, contributing to a comprehensive cleansing of the skin.

The advantages of detoxification include:

  • Promoting general health and wellness
  • Enhancing skin health
  • Reducing stress levels
  • Improving sleep quality

However, it’s important to stay hydrated during and after a sauna session to prevent dehydration, which can lead to dizziness, nausea, and other health concerns.


Improved Sleep

Experience the transformative impact of infrared saunas on sleep quality. In New London, infrared saunas stand out as a key element in the journey to better sleep. The heat generated, complemented by therapeutic infrared wavelengths, fosters a sense of calmness in both the mind and body, facilitating improved sleep initiation and maintenance. 

Additionally, these saunas contribute to heart health by enhancing circulation and lowering blood pressure. Make infrared sauna sessions a regular part of your wellness routine to reap the dual rewards of improved sleep and overall health.


Enhanced Skin Health

Westbrook Infrared Sauna - Improved Skin Health

Transform your skincare routine with the therapeutic power of infrared saunas, celebrated for their ability to boost collagen production and alleviate inflammation. Collagen, a fundamental protein crucial for skin structure, flourishes in response to the infrared wavelengths emitted within the sauna environment, resulting in visibly improved skin health and a more youthful appearance. 

In New London, the incorporation of infrared saunas has demonstrated effectiveness in reducing inflammation by improving circulation and facilitating the expulsion of toxins from the body. This multifaceted approach underscores the invaluable role of infrared saunas in enhancing and maintaining optimal skin health.


Preparing for an Infrared Sauna Session

Before indulging in the soothing warmth of an infrared sauna in New London, CT, it’s crucial to ensure a secure and delightful experience. Adequate preparation, including staying hydrated, choosing suitable attire, and determining the ideal session duration, plays a pivotal role in maximizing the efficacy and safety of your infrared sauna session. 

The subsequent sections will furnish comprehensive guidance on each of these preparatory aspects, offering valuable insights to elevate your infrared sauna experience and minimize potential risks or discomfort.




Maintaining hydration is essential for a positive infrared sauna experience. Dehydration, which can result in dizziness and nausea, can be averted by ensuring sufficient water intake before and after the session. To sustain proper hydration levels throughout the sauna session, start by drinking 1-2 glasses of water beforehand. Continue to hydrate afterward to replace any fluids that may have been depleted during the session, promoting overall well-being.




In New London, infrared saunas emphasize that achieving maximum comfort during your session begins with making the right clothing choices. Opt for loose, breathable garments like cotton shorts or a shirt to encourage skin perspiration and efficient absorption of infrared heat. Be cautious of synthetic fabrics like nylon or polyester, as they may impede heat dissipation, leading to discomfort. Enhance your experience by using a lightweight, absorbent towel during your session.


Session Duration

Newcomer to the world of infrared saunas in New London, Connecticut? Take a gradual approach by starting with shorter sessions and progressively extending the duration as your body becomes accustomed. While the typical session lasts between 25 and 45 minutes, consider initiating a brief 5-minute session and gradually increasing the length at your own pace. 

As you adapt to the warmth and the therapeutic effects of infrared wavelengths, personalize your sessions to align with your preferences and wellness goals. Explore the integration of low-level light therapy and, if desired, elevate the frequency to multiple sessions per week for a tailored and rejuvenating sauna experience.


New London Infrared Sauna – Safety and Risks

Westbrook Infrared Sauna - Hydration

The numerous health benefits of infrared saunas notwithstanding, it is crucial to be mindful of potential safety issues associated with their usage. Dehydration, fluctuations in blood pressure, and complications for individuals with pre-existing health conditions are primary considerations when incorporating infrared saunas into your wellness routine. 

This article will delve into these potential risks, providing you with the information necessary to make well-informed decisions about your use of infrared saunas, guaranteeing a secure and enjoyable experience. 

At 640 Health, your safety is our top priority, and we are committed to exceeding your expectations while adhering to stringent safety measures.



As mentioned earlier, the risk of dehydration is linked to the use of infrared saunas, primarily because of the profuse sweating during sessions. To mitigate this risk, it is essential to stay well-hydrated by consuming water before, during, and after your sauna session. It is advisable to steer clear of beverages that may contribute to dehydration, including coffee, soft drinks, and alcohol, in the lead-up to your sauna experience.


Blood Pressure Changes

Blood pressure changes may occur during an infrared sauna session, with acute sauna use leading to an increase in both blood pressure and heart rate. However, regular use of infrared sauna sessions may result in decreased blood pressure for individuals with a high risk of developing heart disease, potentially improving blood flow.

If you have concerns about how infrared sauna usage may affect your blood pressure, it’s important to consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance and recommendations.


Pre-existing Health Conditions

If you have pre-existing health conditions, such as:

  • heart disease
  • high or low blood level pressure
  • diabetes
  • pregnancy
  • hypertension

Maintaining the accuracy and reliability of the information shared here is critical, especially when considering potential side effects associated with therapy. 

Seeking advice from a healthcare provider before introducing an infrared sauna into your routine is essential. Your healthcare professional will assess the safety of infrared sauna usage for your unique situation and provide personalized guidance to minimize potential risks and complications.


New London Infrared Sauna – Comparison vs. Traditional Sauna

Though infrared saunas and traditional saunas may appear similar initially, they provide distinct experiences and advantages. While traditional saunas heat the air around the user, infrared saunas use panels that emit infrared light waves to heat the body directly. This direct heating method allows for a more comfortable experience at lower temperatures compared to traditional saunas.

The lower temperatures and direct body heating make infrared saunas an attractive option for many people, especially those who may find traditional saunas too hot or uncomfortable. By providing a more enjoyable and effective experience, infrared saunas in New London Connecticut have gained popularity among wellness enthusiasts seeking to reap the numerous health benefits they offer.


Real-Life Success Stories

Westbrook Infrared Sauna - Couples

Embracing the benefits of infrared saunas goes beyond mere speculation or scientific studies. Numerous individuals within our clientele have encountered favorable outcomes concerning diverse health concerns, such as the alleviation of pain, enhanced detoxification, and a noticeable improvement in sleep quality, upon integrating infrared saunas into their wellness regimens. 

Whether catering to athletes aiming to expedite muscle recovery or individuals seeking respite from persistent pain or skin conditions, the efficacy of infrared saunas remains consistently remarkable. These firsthand success narratives stand as concrete proof of the potency of infrared saunas in effecting positive transformations in people’s lives.



Experience a contemporary take on the age-old practice of sauna bathing with infrared saunas. These saunas harness the power of infrared wavelengths, ensuring a comfortable and highly effective session. The benefits are manifold, encompassing pain relief, detoxification, improved sleep, and a boost in skin health

Incorporating infrared saunas into your wellness routine is a wise choice on your path to better health. By observing proper preparation and safety measures, you can indulge in the revitalizing effects of infrared saunas, elevating your overall well-being to new heights.


Frequently Asked Questions

What does an infrared sauna do for your body?

Through the utilization of infrared sauna therapy, circulation in the body experiences enhancement, leading to more effective delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the skin while expelling waste products.


How many times should you do an infrared sauna for benefits?

To optimize the benefits of your infrared sauna routine, consider engaging in 3-4 weekly sessions, with each session lasting between 30-45 minutes. It’s crucial to allow a minimum of 48 hours between sessions, prioritizing your body’s cues.


Can infrared sauna burn belly fat?

Infrared saunas have been found to effectively penetrate the skin, reaching deep layers of fat, particularly in the abdominal area. This suggests that incorporating regular sessions of infrared sauna use could potentially lead to a gradual reduction in belly fat.


How long should you sit in the infrared sauna?

Aim for sessions in an infrared sauna lasting up to 20 minutes for the best results, but individuals familiar with the practice may choose to extend their sessions to 45 minutes. Conclude your time in the sauna when you achieve a comfortable, relaxed state.


What are the benefits of red light therapy?

Red light therapy (RLT) emerges as a secure and impactful treatment utilizing photobiomodulation to deliver red and near-infrared light to precise body areas. This technique facilitates cell regeneration, restores cell function, stimulates blood flow, and fosters healing, providing relief from pain. Moreover, it shows promise in minimizing wrinkles, scars, redness, inflammation, and edema. 

At 640 Health, our focus extends beyond treatment to education. We firmly believe that educating clients about their anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology empowers them to lead healthier, pain-free lives.

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